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Area | Author | Title | Language | Edition |
Business & Management | Adi Putera Widjaja, Aries Wiranata | GarudaPreneur Generasi Pengusaha Muda | Indonesia | Softcover |
Business & Management | Alexander Osterwalder, Yves Pigneur, Tim Clark | Business Model You | English | Softcover |
Business & Management | Arini T. Soemohadiwidjojo | Panduan Praktis Menyusun KPI | Indonesia | Softcover |
Business & Management | Bill Capodagli, Lynn Jackson | The Disney Way | Indonesia | Hardcover |
Business & Management | Brad Stone | The Everything Store | English | Hardcover |
Business & Management | Bradley J. Sugars | Instant Cashflow | English | Softcover |
Business & Management | Bradley J. Sugars | The Business Coach | English | Softcover |
Business & Management | Brue Howes | Six Sigma | English | Softcover |
Business & Management | Coach Dr Fahmi | Membangun Kepemimpinan Tangguh (Total Leadership) di Era Digital | Indonesia | Softcover |
Business & Management | Coach Dr Fahmi | Sukses Membangun Bisnis Grounded Strategy | Indonesia | Softcover |
Business & Management | Coach Dr Fahmi, Lukman Setiawan, R. Akhmad Yani S | Strategi Anak Muda Bikin Bisnis UMKM Go International | Indonesia | Softcover |
Business & Management | Howard Schultz | Onward | Indonesia | Softcover |
Business & Management | Jim Collins | Good to Great | Indonesia | Hardcover |
Business & Management | Jonathan Mantle | Perusahaan yang Mengubah Dunia | Indonesia | Hardcover |
Business & Management | Leander Kahney | Jony Ive | English | Softcover |
Business & Management | Martin Febrian, Gilang Yubiliana, Alexius Eron Tondas | DentistPreneur | Indonesia | Softcover |
Business & Management | Michael E. Gerber | The Most Successful Small Business in the World | English | Softcover |
Business & Management | Paul Facella, Adina Genn | Everything I Know about Business, I Learned at McDonald's | English | Hardcover |
Business & Management | Rhenald Kasali | Disruption | Indonesia | Softcover |
Business & Management | Rhenald Kasali | Self Driving | Indonesia | Softcover |
Business & Management | Rhenald Kasali | Strawberry Generation | Indonesia | Softcover |
Business & Management | Rhenald Kasali | Tomorrow is Today | Indonesia | Softcover |
Business & Management | Sam Carpenter | Work the System | English | Softcover |
Business & Management | Satya Nadella | Hit Refresh | Indonesia | Softcover |
Business & Management | Tom MC Ifle | It’s Time to Win More Profit | Indonesia | Softcover |
Business & Management | Tom MC Ifle, Yusa Aziz | Hidup Bahagia Bisnis Luar Biasa | Indonesia | Softcover |
Business & Management | Yakub Liman | Astra | Indonesia | Softcover |
Human Resources & Career Development | Cheryl Cran | 101 Tips Mengelola Generasi X, Y, & Zoomer di Tempat Kerja | Indonesia | Softcover |
Human Resources & Career Development | Freddy Liong | Success @ Work | Indonesia | Softcover |
Human Resources & Career Development | Jansen Sinamo | 8 Etos Kerja Professional | Indonesia | Softcover |
Human Resources & Career Development | Rene Adrianus, Amelia Hirawan | Human Capital Artchitect | Indonesia | Softcover |
Human Resources & Career Development | Rene Suhardono | Your Job is Not Your Career | Indonesia | Softcover |
Human Resources & Career Development | Sharon Armstrong, Barbara Mitchell | The Essential HR Handbook | English | Softcover |
Human Resources & Career Development | Suryono Ekotama | I Want You | Indonesia | Softcover |
Internet Marketing | Duane Forrester | Turn Clicks into Customers | English | Softcover |
Internet Marketing | Eric Enge, Stephan Spencer, Jessie Stricchiola, Rand Fishkin | The Art of SEO (2nd Ed) | English | Softcover |
Internet Marketing | Frank Kern | Convert | English | Softcover |
Internet Marketing | Janice (Ginny) Redish | Letting Go of the Words (2nd Ed) | English | Softcover |
Internet Marketing | Jeff Walker | Launch | English | Softcover |
Internet Marketing | Jennifer Grappone, Gradiva Couzin | Search Engine Optimization An Hour A Day (3rd Ed) | English | Softcover |
Internet Marketing | Russel Brunson | Dotcom Secrets | English | Softcover |
Internet Marketing | Russel Brunson | Expert Secrets | English | Softcover |
Internet Marketing | Tim Ash | Landing Page Optimization | English | Softcover |
Internet Marketing | Tom Funk | Advanced Social Media Marketing | English | Softcover |
IT Development | Gene Kim, Kevin Behr, George Spafford | The Phoenix Project | English | Softcover |
IT Development | Grady Booch | Object Oriented Design with Applications | English | Softcover |
IT Development | Grady Booch, James Rumbaugh, Ivar Jacobson | The Unified Modeling Language User Guide | English | Hardcover |
IT Development | Paul G Basset | Framing Software Reuse | English | Hardcover |
IT Infrastructure | Orin Thomas | Administering Window Server 2012 Training Guide | English | Softcover |
IT Management | Bill Holtsnider, Brian Jaffe | IT Manager's Handbook | English | Softcover |
IT Management | Joshua Partogi | Manajemen Modern dengan Scrum | Indonesia | Softcover |
IT Management | Mark Settle | Truth from the Trenches | English | Hardcover |
IT Management | Rizky Syaiful | Filosofi Agile & Panduan Scrum | Indonesia | Softcover |
IT Security | Eric Conrad, Seth Misenar, Joshua Feldman | 11th Hour CISSP Study Guide (2nd Ed) | English | Hardcover |
IT Security | Eric Conrad, Seth Misenar, Joshua Feldman | CISSP Study Guide (2nd Ed) | English | Hardcover |
IT Security | IBISA | Physical Security: Mencegah Serangan Terhadap Pendukung Sistem Informasi | Indonesia | Softcover |
IT Security | ISACA | CISM Review Manual 2014 | English | Softcover |
IT Security | James Michael Stewart, Ed Tittel, Mike Chapple | CISSP Certified Information Systems Security Professional Study Guide | English | Hardcover |
IT Security | Shon Harris | All-in-One CISSP Exam Guide (6th Ed) | English | Hardcover |
Leadership & Coaching | Adrian Gostick, Chester Elton | Managing with Carrots | English | Hardcover |
Leadership & Coaching | Adrian Gostick, Chester Elton | The Carrot Principle | Indonesia | Softcover |
Leadership & Coaching | Alan Weiss | Million Dollar Coaching | English | Softcover |
Leadership & Coaching | Andrew Machon | The Coaching Secret | English | Softcover |
Leadership & Coaching | Bobby Meidrie | Followership Skills | Indonesia | Hardcover |
Leadership & Coaching | Chris McChesney, Sean Covey, Jim Huling | The 4 Disciplines of Execution | Indonesia | Softcover |
Leadership & Coaching | Chris McChesney, Sean Covey, Jim Huling | The 4 Disciplines of Execution | English | Hardcover |
Leadership & Coaching | Coach U, Inc. | The Coach U Personal and Corporate Coach Training Handbook | English | Softcover |
Leadership & Coaching | Coach U, Inc. | The Coach U Personal Development Workbook and Guide | English | Softcover |
Leadership & Coaching | Farid Poniman, Indrawan Nugroho, Jamil Azzaini | Kubik Leadership | Indonesia | Softcover |
Leadership & Coaching | Fauzi Rachmanto, Ferlita Sari, Indrawan Nugroho | Corporate Heroes | Indonesia | Softcover |
Leadership & Coaching | Indrawan Nugroho | Rise above the Crowd | Indonesia | Softcover |
Leadership & Coaching | James Gwee | Setiap Karyawan Harus Baca Buku Ini! | Indonesia | Softcover |
Leadership & Coaching | James Gwee | Setiap Manajer Harus Baca Buku Ini | Indonesia | Softcover |
Leadership & Coaching | Jeni Purdie | Life Coaching for Dummies | English | Softcover |
Leadership & Coaching | Jocko Willink, Leif Babin | Extreme Ownership | English | Hardcover |
Leadership & Coaching | John C. Maxwell | Leadership 101 | English | Hardcover |
Leadership & Coaching | John C. Maxwell | The 5 Levels of Leadership | Indonesia | Hardcover |
Leadership & Coaching | Ken Blanchard | Putting the One Minute Manager to Work | Indonesia | Hardcover |
Leadership & Coaching | Kory Kogon, Adam Merrill, Leena Rinne | The 5 Choices: The Path to Extraordinary Productivity | English | Softcover |
Leadership & Coaching | Kory Kogon, Adam Merrill, Leena Rinne | The 5 Choices: The Path to Extraordinary Productivity | Indonesia | Softcover |
Leadership & Coaching | Larina Kase | The Confident Leader | English | Softcover |
Leadership & Coaching | Margaret Parkin | Tales for Coaching | English | Softcover |
Leadership & Coaching | Marian Way | Clean Approaches for Coaches | English | Hardcover |
Leadership & Coaching | Marilyn Atkinson, Ph.D. | Dinamika Batin dalam Coaching | Indonesia | Softcover |
Leadership & Coaching | Marilyn Atkinson, Ph.D. | Flow: The Core of Coaching | English | Softcover |
Leadership & Coaching | Marilyn Atkinson, Ph.D. | Inner Dynamics of Coaching | English | Softcover |
Leadership & Coaching | Marilyn Atkinson, Ph.D. | Step by Step Coaching | English | Softcover |
Leadership & Coaching | Marshall Goldsmith | Triggers | English | Softcover |
Leadership & Coaching | Marshall Goldsmith | What Got You Here Won't Get You There | English | Softcover |
Leadership & Coaching | Nancy Ortberg | Unleashing the Power of Rubber Bands | English | Hardcover |
Leadership & Coaching | Patrick M. Lencioni | The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable | English | Hardcover |
Leadership & Coaching | Paul Tosey, Jane Mathison | Neuro-Linguistic Programming: A Clinical Appreciation for Managers and Developers | English | Softcover |
Leadership & Coaching | RH Wiwoho | Double Benefit from Business Coaching | Indonesia | Hardcover |
Leadership & Coaching | Ron Roberts | The Well-Balanced Leader | English | Hardcover |
Leadership & Coaching | Simon Sinek | Start with Why | English | Softcover |
Leadership & Coaching | Stephen R. Covey | The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (25th Anniversary) | English | Softcover |
Leadership & Coaching | Stephen R. Covey | The Speed of Trust | Indonesia | Softcover |
Leadership & Coaching | Susie Linder-Pelz | NLP Coaching | English | Softcover |
Leadership & Coaching | The Arbinger Institute | Leadership and Self-Deception | English | Softcover |
Leadership & Coaching | Tjia Irawan | Jalan Pemenang | Indonesia | Softcover |
Personal Finance & Wealth | Benni Sinaga | Kitab Suci Pemain Saham | Indonesia | Softcover |
Personal Finance & Wealth | Deborah L. Price | Money Magic | English | Softcover |
Personal Finance & Wealth | Dolf De Roos | Real Estate Riches | Indonesia | Softcover |
Personal Finance & Wealth | Ellen May | Nabung Saham Sekarang | Indonesia | Softcover |
Personal Finance & Wealth | Ellen May | Smart Traders Not Gamblers | Indonesia | Softcover |
Personal Finance & Wealth | Ellen May | Smart Traders Rich Investors | Indonesia | Softcover |
Personal Finance & Wealth | Heri Santoso | Cara Mudah Membuat Expert Advisors Automated Trading | Indonesia | Softcover |
Personal Finance & Wealth | Heri Santoso | Cara Mudah Membuat Robot Trading Profitable | Indonesia | Softcover |
Personal Finance & Wealth | Husni Gumilang | AmiBroker Sebuah Pengantar dan Charting Tools | Indonesia | Softcover |
Personal Finance & Wealth | Husni Gumilang | Sistem Trading Kuantitatif | Indonesia | Softcover |
Personal Finance & Wealth | Husni Gumilang | The Ultimate AmiBroker | Indonesia | Softcover |
Personal Finance & Wealth | Husni Gumilang | Trading with Profitunity 1 | Indonesia | Softcover |
Personal Finance & Wealth | Jesse Mecham | You Need a Budget | English | Hardcover |
Personal Finance & Wealth | Jhon Veter | Happy Investing | Indonesia | Softcover |
Personal Finance & Wealth | Lim Tung Ning | 6 Keranjang 7 Langkah | Indonesia | Softcover |
Personal Finance & Wealth | Lukas Setia Atmaja | Who Wants to Be a Smiling Investor | Indonesia | Softcover |
Personal Finance & Wealth | Mike Rini | 120 Solusi Mengelola Keuangan Pribadi | Indonesia | Softcover |
Personal Finance & Wealth | Putu Putrayasa | The Millionaire Steps | Indonesia | Softcover |
Personal Finance & Wealth | Roy Shakti | Credit Card Revolution | Indonesia | Hardcover |
Personal Finance & Wealth | Rulli Kusnandar | Cara Cerdas Berkebun Emas | Indonesia | Hardcover |
Personal Finance & Wealth | Santo Vibby | Jual Saham Anda Lebih Mahal | Indonesia | Softcover |
Personal Finance & Wealth | Sholeh Dipraja | Golden Planner: Pasti Kaya dengan Investasi Emas | Indonesia | Softcover |
Personal Finance & Wealth | Sholeh Dipraja | Siapa Bilang Investasi Emas Butuh Modal Gede? | Indonesia | Softcover |
Personal Finance & Wealth | T. Harv Eker | Think Rich! You Will Get it Comes True! | Indonesia | Softcover |
Personal Finance & Wealth | Tony Robbins | MONEY Master the Game | English | Hardcover |
Personal Finance & Wealth | Tosan Liem, Asep Haerul Gani | Super Active Income | Indonesia | Softcover |
Public Speaking, Presentation, & Writing | AA Kunto A | 7 Steps of Writing Coaching | Indonesia | Softcover |
Public Speaking, Presentation, & Writing | AA Kunto A | Selfie Writing for Authentic Personal Branding | Indonesia | Softcover |
Public Speaking, Presentation, & Writing | Adi Dwi Jayanto | Slide Presentasi ala Steve Jobs | Indonesia | Softcover |
Public Speaking, Presentation, & Writing | Alexei Kapterev | Presentation Secrets | English | Softcover |
Public Speaking, Presentation, & Writing | Andy Iskandar | Insightful Presentation | Indonesia | Softcover |
Public Speaking, Presentation, & Writing | Brad McRae, David Brooks | The 7 Strategies of Master Presenter | Indonesia | Softcover |
Public Speaking, Presentation, & Writing | Cliff Atkinson | Beyond Bullet Points | English | Softcover |
Public Speaking, Presentation, & Writing | David Booth, Deborah Shames, Peter Desberg | Own the Room: Business Presentations that Persuade, Engage, and Get Results | English | Softcover |
Public Speaking, Presentation, & Writing | David Pranata | Speak with Power | Indonesia | Softcover |
Public Speaking, Presentation, & Writing | Dhony Firmansyah | Amazing Slide Presentation | Indonesia | Softcover |
Public Speaking, Presentation, & Writing | Garr Reynolds | Presentation Zen | English | Softcover |
Public Speaking, Presentation, & Writing | Garr Reynolds | The Naked Presenter | English | Softcover |
Public Speaking, Presentation, & Writing | Jamil Azzaini | Speak to Change | Indonesia | Softcover |
Public Speaking, Presentation, & Writing | Jeremey Donovan, Ryan Avery | Speaker Leader Champion | English | Softcover |
Public Speaking, Presentation, & Writing | Jerry Weissman | Presenting to Win | English | Softcover |
Public Speaking, Presentation, & Writing | Jerry Weissman | The Power Presenter | English | Softcover |
Public Speaking, Presentation, & Writing | Nancy Duarte | Illuminate: Ignite Change Through Speeches, Stories, Ceremonies and Symbols | English | Softcover |
Public Speaking, Presentation, & Writing | Nancy Duarte | Resonate: Present Visual Stories that Transform Audiences | English | Softcover |
Public Speaking, Presentation, & Writing | Nancy Duarte | Slide:ology | English | Softcover |
Public Speaking, Presentation, & Writing | Ongky Hojanto | I’m Motivator | Indonesia | Softcover |
Public Speaking, Presentation, & Writing | Ongky Hojanto | Public Speaking Mastery | Indonesia | Softcover |
Public Speaking, Presentation, & Writing | Panji Priambudi | Street Smart Slide | Indonesia | Softcover |
Public Speaking, Presentation, & Writing | Scott Berkun | Confessions of a Public Speaker | English | Softcover |
Public Speaking, Presentation, & Writing | Sutanto L. Tjokro | Presentasi yang Mencekam | Indonesia | Softcover |
Relationship & Parenting | Jet Veetlev, Kei Savourie, Lex dePraxis | The Lovable Lady Formula | Indonesia | Softcover |
Sales, Marketing, & Persuasion | Antonius Arif | NLP Highly Effective Selling | Indonesia | Softcover |
Sales, Marketing, & Persuasion | Antonius Arif | Persuasive Selling Magic | Indonesia | Softcover |
Sales, Marketing, & Persuasion | Ari Galper | Unlock the Sales Game | English | Softcover |
Sales, Marketing, & Persuasion | Bryan & Jeffrey Eisenberg | Waiting for Your Cat to Bark? | Indonesia | Hardcover |
Sales, Marketing, & Persuasion | Dan S. Kennedy | No B.S. Direct Marketing (2nd Ed) | English | Softcover |
Sales, Marketing, & Persuasion | Dan S. Kennedy | No B.S. Marketing to the Affluent | English | Softcover |
Sales, Marketing, & Persuasion | Dan S. Kennedy | The Ultimate Marketing Plan (3rd Ed) | English | Softcover |
Sales, Marketing, & Persuasion | Dan S. Kennedy | The Ultimate Sales Letter (3rd Ed) | English | Softcover |
Sales, Marketing, & Persuasion | Dan S. Kennedy, Dustin Matthews | No B.S. Guide to Powerful Presentations | English | Softcover |
Sales, Marketing, & Persuasion | Drew Eric Whitman | Cas$hvertising | English | Softcover |
Sales, Marketing, & Persuasion | Hingdranata Nikolay | Selling Easily and Smartly | Indonesia | Softcover |
Sales, Marketing, & Persuasion | Jay Abraham | Mr. X Book | English | Softcover |
Sales, Marketing, & Persuasion | Johanes Lim | Sales Doctor | Indonesia | Softcover |
Sales, Marketing, & Persuasion | Kevin Hogan | The Science of Influence (2nd Ed) | English | Softcover |
Sales, Marketing, & Persuasion | Kevin Hogan, James Speakman | Bujukan Terselubung | Indonesia | Softcover |
Sales, Marketing, & Persuasion | Laksita Utama Suhud | 10 Greatest Advertising Secrets | Indonesia | Hardcover |
Sales, Marketing, & Persuasion | Lindsay Camp | Can I Change Your Mind? | English | Softcover |
Sales, Marketing, & Persuasion | Michael V. Pantalon | Instant Influence | Indonesia | Softcover |
Sales, Marketing, & Persuasion | Nicholas A.C. Read | Target Opportunity Selling | English | Hardcover |
Sales, Marketing, & Persuasion | Oren Klaff | Flip the Script: Getting People to Think Your Idea is Their Idea | English | Softcover |
Sales, Marketing, & Persuasion | Oren Klaff | Pitch Anything: An Innovative Method for Presenting, Persuading, and Winning the Deal | English | Hardcover |
Sales, Marketing, & Persuasion | Rintu Basu | Persuasion Skills Black Book | English | Softcover |
Sales, Marketing, & Persuasion | Robert Cialdini | Influence Science and Practice | English | Softcover |
Sales, Marketing, & Persuasion | Robert Cialdini | Influence The Psychology of Persuasion | English | Softcover |
Sales, Marketing, & Persuasion | Robert Cialdini | Pre-suasion | English | Softcover |
Sales, Marketing, & Persuasion | Robert Cialdini | Psikologi Persuasif | Indonesia | Softcover |
Sales, Marketing, & Persuasion | Scott Stratten | Unmarketing | Indonesia | Softcover |
Self Development | Adam Khoo | I Am Gifted, So Are You! | Indonesia | Softcover |
Self Development | Alberthiene Endah | Ken & Kaskus: Cerita Sukses di Usia Muda | Indonesia | Softcover |
Self Development | Antonius Arif | Ego State Therapy | Indonesia | Softcover |
Self Development | Antonius Arif | Kalau Anda Mau Pasti Bisa | Indonesia | Softcover |
Self Development | Antonius Arif | The Billionaire Attitude | Indonesia | Hardcover |
Self Development | Ariesandi Setyono | Manage Your Emotion in a Blink | Indonesia | Softcover |
Self Development | Bayu Ludvianto | Analisis Tulisan Tangan | Indonesia | Softcover |
Self Development | Bradley T. Erford | 40 Teknik yang Harus Diketahui Setiap Konselor | Indonesia | Softcover |
Self Development | Brendon Burchard | The Charge | English | Hardcover |
Self Development | Brendon Burchard | The Charge | Indonesia | Softcover |
Self Development | Brendon Burchard | The Motivation Manifesto | English | Hardcover |
Self Development | Brian Tracy | Eat that Frog! | Indonesia | Softcover |
Self Development | Brian Tracy | Full Engagement! | Indonesia | Softcover |
Self Development | Chris Bailey | The Productivity Project | English | Hardcover |
Self Development | Dave Lakhani | The Power of an Hour | Indonesia | Softcover |
Self Development | Davit Setiawan | Life Will Never Be the Same | Indonesia | Softcover |
Self Development | Dianne Lowther | NLP for Work: A Practical Guide | English | Softcover |
Self Development | Edward De Bono | Six Thinking Hats | English | Softcover |
Self Development | Graham Allcott | How to Be a Productivity Ninja | English | Softcover |
Self Development | Guruh Taufan | Statement Analysis | Indonesia | Softcover |
Self Development | Hingdranata Nikolay | Be Happy! Get What You Want! | Indonesia | Softcover |
Self Development | Jack Canfield | The Success Principles | Indonesia | Hardcover |
Self Development | Jack Elias | Hipnosis & Hipnoterapi Transpersonal/NLP | Indonesia | Softcover |
Self Development | James Arthur Ray | Harmonic Wealth | Indonesia | Softcover |
Self Development | James Clear | Atomic Habits | Indonesia | Softcover |
Self Development | James Lawley, Penny Tompkins | Metaphors in Mind | English | Softcover |
Self Development | Joe Vitale | Attractor Factor | Indonesia | Softcover |
Self Development | Joe Vitale | The Key | Indonesia | Softcover |
Self Development | Kevin Hogan | The 168 Hour Week | English | Softcover |
Self Development | Krishnamurti | 200 Pertanyaan yang Menyembuhkan | Indonesia | Softcover |
Self Development | Michael Hyatt & Daniel Harkavy | Living Forward | Indonesia | Softcover |
Self Development | Michael Masterson | Seven Years to Seven Figures | Indonesia | Softcover |
Self Development | Pambudi Sunarsihanto | Think Different, Act Differently | Indonesia | Softcover |
Self Development | Prasetya M Brata | Provokasi 2 Mantra | Indonesia | Softcover |
Self Development | RH Wiwoho | Ketika Maju Salah Mundur pun Salah | Indonesia | Softcover |
Self Development | RH Wiwoho | ProFil | Indonesia | Softcover |
Self Development | RH Wiwoho | Sahabatku Bernama Takut | Indonesia | Softcover |
Self Development | RH Wiwoho | Terapi-terapi Kilat | Indonesia | Softcover |
Self Development | Rhonda Byrne | The Magic | Indonesia | Softcover |
Self Development | Richard Bandler | Richard Bandler’s Guide to Tranceformation | English | Softcover |
Self Development | Richard Koch | Living the 80/20 Way | English | Softcover |
Self Development | Robin Sharma | The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari | Indonesia | Softcover |
Self Development | Romilla Ready, Kate Burton | Neuro-Linguistic Programming for Dummies | English | Softcover |
Self Development | Steve Bavister, Amanda Vickers | NLP for Personal Success | Indonesia | Softcover |
Self Development | Sue Knight | NLP at Work (2nd Ed) | English | Softcover |
Self Development | Teddi Prasetya Yuliawan | The Art of Enjoying Life | Indonesia | Softcover |
Self Development | Timothy Ferris | The 4-Hour Workweek | English | Softcover |
Self Development | Wendy Sullivan, Judy Rees | Clean Language | English | Softcover |
Service Excellence | Bob Livingston | How You Do.. What You Do | English | Softcover |
Service Excellence | Hendrik Ronald | The Power of Service | Indonesia | Softcover |
Service Excellence | James Strock | Serve to Lead: 21st Century Leaders Manual | English | Softcover |
Service Excellence | Jeff Toister | The Service Culture Handbook: A Step-By-Step Guide to Getting Your Employees Obsessed with Customer Service | English | Softcover |
Service Excellence | Jeffrey Gitomer | Customer Satisfaction is Worthless, Customer Loyalty is Priceless | English | Hardcover |
Service Excellence | Joseph A. Michelli | The Zappos Experience | English | Hardcover |
Service Excellence | Rizal Badudu | Service Excellence | Indonesia | Softcover |
Service Excellence | Ron Kaufman | Up Your Service! Action Steps | English | Softcover |
Service Excellence | Ron Kaufman | Up Your Service! Great Ideas | English | Softcover |
Service Excellence | Ron Kaufman | Up Your Service! Insights | English | Softcover |
Service Excellence | Ron Kaufman | Uplifting Service | English | Softcover |
Service Excellence | Tony Hsieh | Delivering Happiness | English | Softcover |
Service Excellence | Tony Hsieh | Delivering Happiness | Indonesia | Softcover |